Millions of people around the world believe in the power of prayer. If you are facing a difficult time in your life we would love the opportunity to pray for you.
At NCPC Calgary, our family is ready to join you in prayer. Use the form below to share your request and we will pray over it and follow up with you. Requests sent to us will not be posted on our website. All prayer requests excluding confidential prayer requests will be shared with our Church members, and our Pastor may respond to you. We respect your privacy and all private prayer requests will be kept confidential. Whenever possible, we pray for these requests within a day of receiving them. If we receive many requests, a quick response time may not be possible, but we will be praying for you.
Thank you for visiting our website and sharing your prayer needs with us.
(Needs a Message/Prayer request box that contain some fields of full name, email, contact number, message, submit, clear form)
Welcome! We are excited that you are thinking about visiting New Covenant Pentecostal Church, Calgary
On Sunday morning we start with Sunday school for kids at 10:00 am. Sunday school Director leads the Sunday school and kids are disbursed to respective classes after opening prayer. Once the Sunday school classes are over, kids have their assembly and they gather together for dedicated worship session and short sermon led by kids.
At 10:45AM everyone including kids come together for our Malayalam worship service, where live English translation is available for Malayalam sermon.
We are located at Cambrian Heights Community Association, 600 Northmount Dr. NW, Calgary, T2K 3J5. If you need a ride to the Church or if you have trouble locating us, please feel free to call, text or WhatsApp us either at +1 403-850-1963 or at +1 403-462-3327 or email us to
At NCPC Calgary, kids have Sunday school at 10:00 am and once the Sunday school classes are finished, kids gather for their worship and message sessions. Right after the Sunday school session, everyone including our kids gather together for our worship service at 10:45AM. We consider children as very important members as the future generation depends on them. We believe that children needs to understand the importance of worship and we equip them to attend our worship service with full reverence and honor to God.
Jesus loved children so much and we recognize our responsibility to train them in his ways and guide them properly. We create a safe, secure and enjoyable environment where kids can learn about our Saviour and focus more on Christ-centered living. All our child ministry activities are focused to build the full personality of our kids. You could learn more about the kids programs by clicking our Ministries page.
Managing time is a challenge to all of us. There is no doctrine which explains, the length for a public worship. But we understand that we all are living in a very busy world, has to manage time wisely and hence we always keep our times.
Our Sunday Malayalam service starts at 10:45AM and comes to an end around 1:15 pm. The schedule is below:
Sunday School | 10:00 AM
Worship Service | 10:45 AM
We are located at Cambrian Heights, 600 Northmount Dr. NW, Calgary, T2K 3J5. If you need a ride to the Church or if you have trouble locating us, please feel free to call, text or WhatsApp us either at 403-850-1963 or at 403-462-3327 or email us to